First Aid FAQ
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How to handle an emergency:
Take a deep breath. Tell yourself you can handle the situation.
Check for danger.
Do NOT place yourself in danger. Doing so will make the situation worse.
If danger is present, leave the area and, if you can safely do so, take any victims with you.
Assess the situation as a whole:
When you call 911, they will want to know how many victims and how serious there injuries are.
Call 911
Determine what do you need to do first. The most obvious problem is not always the most serious.
Treat the most life-threatening problems like a person not breathing first.
If the person is unconscious or does not respond, be ready to start CPR.
Do NOT wait to see if the person's condition improves before getting medical help.
Call 911 immediately.
Do NOT leave the person alone unless absolutely necessary.
Do NOT give the person food or drink.
Do NOT move the person unless you are in danger.
In general, do NOT place a pillow under the person's head. This can close the airway.
Download Focus CPR's
Immediately: Call 911. Go to the ED immediately via ambulance. Someone having a heart attack may die without immediate care. Chew an aspirin. Take nitroglycerin if prescribed. If cardiac arrest occurs, perform CPR.
Immediately: Call 911. If the person is blue/not breathing, perform rescue breathing or CPR. If unconscious, try to wake them. If no response, and they’re not breathing, begin rescue breathing or CPR. If you have Narcan, use it.
Immediately: Stop the bleeding (with direct pressure), clean it with soap and water, apply antibiotic ointment, put on a bandaid. If the bleeding doesn't stop with 15 minutes of continuous direct pressure, consider going to the ER.
Wash with soap and water. Remove with tweezers cleaned with rubbing alcohol. Wash the skin again. If it’s hard to remove, leave it for a day to see whether it comes out on its own. If not, go see your doctor.
Immediately: Don't try to move a dislocated joint or force it back into place. Splint the joint in the position you find it. A dislocated shoulder/arm can be splinted in the most comfortable position with a pillow or a sling. Put ice on the injured joint to help reduce swelling.